Billmel8er’s Blog

January 6, 2009

The Essence Of The 43rd President

I am not going to attempt to point out every blunder ever made by the 43rd President of the United States Of America, George W. Bush, as I am not out to write a book.  I am, however, going to show you one thing that clearly defined his presidency and should remove any doubt in any one’s mind about how incompetent this man is and has been and consequently why this country is in the dreadful state it is in.  This single issue that I am referring to is, of course, 911.

On September 11, 2001, the United States of America was boldly attacked on its own soil by a radical Muslim terrorist group called Al-Qaeda.  The leader of Al-Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, was living in Afghanistan as a guest of the radical Muslim rulers of Afghanistan, the Taliban.  Four airplanes were hijacked on this day.  Two were flown into the World Trade Center twin towers, one each, in New York, NY.  One flew into the Pentagon building, the headquarters of all United States Armed Forces, in Washington, D.C.  And the fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania field after its brave passengers attempted to retake the plane upon hearing of the other hijackings.  In all, more than 3000 Americans lost their lives this day.

This dastardly deed occurred nearly 8 months into the 43rd Presidency – EIGHT MONTHS!  As this was not the first terrorist act of war on the United States by Al-Qaeda, President George W. Bush’s predecessor, President William J. Clinton, had attempted on many occasions to terminate Osama Bin Laden’s life.  President Clinton had in fact ordered the CIA to kill Osama Bin Laden.  The CIA had even contracted killers to find and kill Osama Bin Laden.  Short of grabbing a gun and setting off to find the man himself, President Clinton did everything he could to remove Osama Bin Laden from this world.

On October 12th, 2000, three weeks prior to the US Presidential Election, Al-Qaeda attacked the USS Cole (DDG-67), an Arleigh Burke class Aegis-equipped guided missile destroyer that had put into a port in Yemen for refueling.  See this link for more information about the USS Cole bombing.  President Clinton, at this time, had slightly more than 3 months left in his Presidency.  Before President Clinton could act further, he needed reasonable certification from the FBI and CIA that Al-Qaeda was indeed the responsible party for bombing the USS Cole.  This certification was not forth-coming.  Meanwhile, President Clinton began receiving daily security briefings on the status of Al-Qaeda – DAILY BRIEFINGS!  This is how important this was to President Clinton.  President Clinton ordered his joint Chiefs to come up with a full blown invasion plan for Afghanistan designed specifically to take down the Taliban, destroy Al-Qaeda training facilities, and kill or capture Osama Bin Laden.

You may hear this information directly from President Bill Clinton’s own mouth here beginning about 4:10 into this part 1 of 3 videos.  The 2nd part of this 3 part video contains much meat for the issue as well and should be watched.  Part 3 is not of any consequence, but can be viewed as well for completeness.

President Clinton states very clearly and most vehemently in this interview how the far right wing has politicized Al-Qaeda and his pursuit of Al-Qaeda both during his Presidency and during George Bush’s.  He also states clearly how George Bush, for nearly EIGHT MONTHS prior to September 11, refused to do anything once the culprits of the Cole attack were known.  Furthermore, he clearly shows how the Republican party and its propaganda machine tried to slander, demean, and hamper his efforts to get Bin Laden while he was in office.  In short, as you saw, Bill Clinton completely eviscerated Fox News and the Republican party for it all.  And rightly so, for this is the essence of the Republican Party and the entire Presidency of George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States.

The blatant ineptitude and outright shameless hypocrisy of George Bush and the Republican party is clearly evident beyond a doubt.  This interview occurred in 2006, and it still pisses me off.  But I cannot begin to express and explain this situation like our good friend Keith Olbermann of MSNBC – go go Keith O!

Lies, slanders, hypocrisy, incompetence, negligence, and complete denial of any responsibility for anything is the essence of the George W. Bush Administration and the Republican Party.  911 happened on George Bush’s watch, but like everything else, the son of a bitch was on vacation!

Bill Mel8er

December 22, 2008

Don’t Let The Shoe Hit You In The Ass

If you haven’t heard about President Bush having two shoes thrown at him by an Iraqi reporter, Muntada Al-Zaidi, during a press conference in Iraq, you must be living in a truck or on the street someplace.  What a circus show this turned out to be.

First of all, came the reports and the videos of the shoes being thrown and George Bush agilely ducking them both.  It was very good to watch and could only been improved if I were in fact the guy throwing the shoes – because I wouldn’t have missed.  This man, Muntada Al-Zaidi, became an instant celebrity all across the middle east (except Israel I think) where people protested for his release and people participated in mock Bush shoe throwings , etc.  Really great stuff that should have shown George Bush exactly what the world thought of him.  But, no, he stuck his head back up his ass and went on about his almost complete business of destroying the American Middle Class and bankrupting the US Government.

Then came the reports of Al-Zaidi written apology asking forgiveness and for government clemency or a pardon.  The Iraqi government made a big deal over this and said well he needs to be convicted before anybody can pardon him, etc.  Ok, fair enough.

Now come to find out, poor Muntada Al-Zaidi was dragged out of the press conference room and beaten.  His arm was broken and his eyes damaged when his glasses were smashed on his face.  He was dragged to an Iraqi police station where he was further beaten and tortured to extract his “apology.”  His brother says that he was forced to stand naked while freezing water was poured over him, he had cigarette burns around his ears, he was missing teeth, he was beaten with a steel bar, he has a broken arm, and probably eye damage.  I hope I got all of the damage assertions in there.

This is heinous.  If George Bush had any sense of justice or honor, he would understand the man’s anger and why he threw the shoes in the first place and call on the Iraqi’s to release this man.  After all, the only damage done (other than to Al-Zaidi) was to impugn Bush’s honor – which the whole situation has shown that George Bush hasn’t any honor to impugn.

January 20, 2009, cannot come soon enough to be rid of this tyrant named George W. Bush.  The biggest insult a person can show another person in the Muslim world is to show them the bottom of their shoes.  This insult might well expand into our infidel culture once enough people learn about it.  So in that light, I must add, don’t let the shoe hit you in the ass on your way out the door, Mr. Bush.

Bill Mel8er

December 15, 2008

Karl Rove and GOP to Fight Nomination of Eric Holder

I cannot explain it better than Paul Abrams of the Huffington Post:

Is this not simply amazing stuff?  The GOP crooks will be scheming and conniving and stealing from us right up until the last minute and then will pardon themselves and everyone involved.  Only in America, folks.

Bill Mel8er

Bush and Paulson Lied To Congress On Wall Street Bailout

Have a look at this article from the Washington Post:

George Bush and Henry Paulson told congress they would use this $700 billion dollars of taxpayer money to buy troubled assets from firms in an auction when they never planned to buy troubled assets from firms in an auction.  It is obvious from the last minute change that Bush insisted on limiting executive compensation only for firms whose troubled assets were purchased by the government in an auction.  So as soon as these crooks get some money allocated from Congress, they do not use the money in this way through auctions as they said they would and it allows their Wall Street cronies to keep their outrageous salaries and bonuses and completely bypasses the intent and the spirit of this law.

By allowing these firms, which have lost money and virtually destroyed the economy in America, to overly compensate their executive staffs with astronomical salaries and bonuses and by lying to Congress to do it George Bush and Henry Paulson have committed Grand Larceny against the American People as these bonuses and salaries will now be paid with American taxpayer dollars.  It really looks like this Wall Street bailout was a scam from the beginning.


Bill Mel8er

December 12, 2008

Auto Bailout Loan Update

Filed under: automobile, Crime, Politics — Tags: — billmel8er @ 6:15 am

If you haven’t heard, help for the beleaguered American Auto Industry has been denied.  Denied by Anti-American red state senators who insist upon busting the United Auto Workers Union.  Never mind that the economy will dive headlong into the worst depression ever.  Never mind that once it does, no one will be able to buy the foreign cars produced in the red states.  Never mind that the foreign auto makers in the red states will no longer have an incentive to make their cars in the United States.  And never mind the 4 million workers and families that will be tossed out on the streets.  Never mind.

This has go to be the most Anti-American act by the American Government to date.  These sleazy greedy GOP Senators once again would rather destroy this United States than do the right thing.  They are traitors to the American People.  TRAITORS!  A sleazier more dastardly evil lot of people has never walked the earth.

Americans will not forget this, GOP.  You have destroyed this country and yourselves with your greed and your ignorant hateful stupidity.  My God have mercy on your souls because I won’t.


Bill Mel8er

December 11, 2008

The Anti-American GOP

That’s right.  The GOP is the anti-American party.  They have divided us and lied to us.  They have and will do nothing unless it benefits the filthy rich and the filthy richer.

Just look at the auto bailout loan bill.  George Bush opposed it because it contained language requiring the auto companies to cease lobbying government officials about higher mileage requirements.  Bush insisted this language be stripped out or he would not support it.  Who would benefit from keeping cars from getting better mileage?  Only the oil companies would be hurt by this language.

Who would benefit from greener cars being made and available for sale?  The American people and the environment.  This provision would help the United States move one step closer to becoming independent of oil, but George Bush and the Republicans do not want our country to progress and become independent of oil.  Instead, they would rather throw this country into a full blown depression by throwing 4 million more workers onto the unemployment rolls.

This is not merely a rhetorical philosophical political position, it is blatant treason against this country and the American people!  It is this position and positions like this (I could enumerate them, but I don’t want to write a book) that have made the GOP the most anti-American party ever to rule the United States.

And this GOP sits and wonders why they lost this last election.  They just can’t figure it out.  Instead of learning from their mistakes and changing their ways, they would rather think of new issues to divide us.  They would rather think of new things to lie to us about.  They would rather destroy America rather than allow America to heal and progress.


Bill Mel8er

December 7, 2008

Buy Blue

Filed under: boycott, Politics — Tags: , , — billmel8er @ 12:45 pm

There is a definite obstructionism by the red states in congress and everywhere else against anything that would in any way benefit a blue state. Until such time as the red states come to their senses and realize that we are one country, I suggest that blue states merely buy blue. Let the red states get along by themselves.

November 26, 2008

Melamine In US Infant Formula

Filed under: Crime, Politics — Tags: , , — billmel8er @ 4:20 am

The FDA has recently found melamine in US infant formula.  Yet the FDA refuses to issue any recalls for any products.  This is outrageous.  In my book, there are no acceptable levels of poison in infant formula.  The FDA’s refusal to take swift action here makes them complicit in this crime. 

Once again these Republicans corporate shills have put corporate profit ahead of the health and well being of the American people.  Are they waiting for babies to die?  No amount of money is worth even one baby being hurt by melamine!  Recall it all NOW!  No melamine, period!

Bill Mel8er

November 24, 2008

Just A Matter Of Prospective

Filed under: Crime, Executive Compensation, Politics — Tags: , , — billmel8er @ 3:48 pm

American workers have watched their CEO compensation packages soar from 10 times the average workers salary in 1970 to more than 500 times the average workers salary today.  The criticism from all corners has abounded.  I think these critics are just not looking at things from the proper prospective.  You have to look at things from the executive’s point of view to form a fair opinion.

First, you must be concerned for their children.  The cost of their private education and upbringing in America’s best private schools has simply gone through the roof.  Trying to get the tax payers to foot the bill for this in the way of vouchers, etc., has simply met too much resistance in most areas.  And, as everybody knows, the price of a decent nanny is simply disgusting.

Then there is, of course, the costs of their housing.  Mansions don’t cost a million dollars like they once did.  And the upkeep – boy, those gardeners and those pool attendants and those butlers and those maids and those cooks simply aren’t cheap anymore.  Plus, nowadays, you have to have your yoga gurus and your physical trainers and your personal attendants and, you know… your people.  That has got to be a strain on any body’s budget.

Then there are always the transportation costs.  Limousines and chauffeurs aren’t exactly a dime a dozen anymore.  Plus you have to have that private jet if you ever expect to be able get away from anything ever.  Like to your chalet in southern France or your island somewhere in the Bahamas.

And if you want to play a little on the weekend, the price of a decent yacht today is incredibly ridiculous.  Have you priced a decent Maserati or a Lamborghini or even a stripped down McLaren or Porsche lately?  People forget about these little expenses.

Another thing, those darn country club dues keep going up.  And they come regularly.

So, you see?  It just costs a lot more to be a corporate executive these days, plain and simple.  Just how on earth would you expect them to pay for these basic necessities?  They can’t very well raise prices on the goods their company sells because their competition would eat their lunch.  They can’t seem to get their income tax rates reduced any lower because with all the loopholes, they aren’t paying anything anyway.  So they have to get their ever increasing compensation by denying you raises and promotions, by getting you to work longer hours, by getting you to pay for your benefits and health care, and even by giving your job to someone in another country that will do it for 1/10 of what you will do it for.  Our executives work very hard and they deserve only the best that money can buy.  So don’t forget to think about them and all of their expenses next time you’re at the grocery store passing up that succulent rib-eye trying to figure the relative cost/nutrition benefit between 73/27 and 80/20 hamburger.

Peace, Bill Mel8er.

November 22, 2008

Weighing In On Gay Marriage

Filed under: Gay Marriage, Politics — Tags: , , , , — billmel8er @ 8:43 pm

First of all, I am not gay.  Second, I do not condone gay behavior.  Third, I am against gay “marriage.”

That being said, I do not hate gay people.  I accept that gay people are citizens and are a valuable part of society.

To me, this whole issue revolves around the word “marriage.”  Marriage is a religious institution entered into by a man and a woman.  Marriage is also recognized by law.  This is a belief of most religions and governments and civilizations throughout the world and history.  No matter how hard you try, you are just not going to get a majority of non-gays to change their minds about marriage.

I have been married once and I don’t wish that on anybody – just kidding.  I do know a couple marriages that are doing well, it just wasn’t in the cards por moi.

But, IMHO, gay citizens should push for “civil unions” or “domestic partnerships” to be recognized and treated by law on an equal footing with marriage.  I say, go ahead and get unioned (or partnered or whatever) and when you get home, call it marriage.  Just don’t try to get the law to call it “marriage,” you will meet only the stiffest resistance from nearly everywhere and your rights will be forever impugned.

That’s my $.02 on the matter, Bill Mel8er.


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